Todos Pró Bairro
Leiria, 2020

“Todos Pró Bairro” is a project, part of the CLDS 4G’ (Del Rei 4G), focusing on communities and neighbourhoods. For this project’s first event, Colectivo Til was invited to create and develop a 3 weeks time activity for the neighbourhood of Bairro Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro in Leiria, a place with a long history of social segregation and stigma.

Our goal from the start was to listen rather than propose. In order to achive that goal we organized the activity into  three sequential moments: “listen”, “clarify” and “mobilize”. In the first moment we went to meet the population in different formats trying to reach as many and as diverse as possible. In the second moment we invited the neighbours for a series of exercises with maps and graphic representations that enabled us to identify what were the skills and crafts available in the neighbourhood as well as where and how could the neighbourhood be improved. We developed it as an open exercise that could allow the people to recognise each others ideias, promoting dialogue and knowledge sharing among the community.

The third moment was “mobilize”. Based on the results of the previous exercise, we aimed for the residents to be the ones taking action. As we got to know them better we invited them to be the mobilizers on the skill they were most fond of. Our role here was to support, coordinate, provide the tools and connections that they needed. On the last day everything came together with different activities such as cleaning, building, painting, gardening, cooking and playing, producing a small demonstration of what can be achieved collectively and within our own means.

With so many ideas and aspirations collected during this process, we hope this can be the first activity of many carried on by the residents.  

Client: Inpulsar - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Gui Garrido
Project developed with Colectivo Til.  
Photos by Idalécio Francisco and Colectivo Til

© 2017  |  João Gonçalo Lopes  |   |  ︎ @joaogoncalolopes