Casa dos Elogios
Leiria, 2022
The group was found through an open-call and involved 14 students from 7th and 8th year. Having only one week to decide what to build and to actually build it, we set up the premisses that it should use the leftover materials from the previuos projects as well as applying similar techniques that we applyed before. We finally added a small request: for it to be able to move in the streets.
After some brainstorming sessions the students proposal was a house on wheels called “Casa dos Elogios” (meaning “house of the compliments”). A small stall where people were asked to write or draw a compliment and leave it there while taking another of their choice from the ones that other people wrote. Fair trade, unconditional love and proactive creativity was the answer in the end.
Concept and workshops:
Colectivo Til
Construction team:
Colectivo Til, Students from the AEM Marrazes
Graphic work for the exercises:
Colectivo Til
Event poster:
Colectivo Til
Patrícia Martins
Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes
Plano Nacional das Artes
Festival A Porta
Finantial Support:
Município de Leiria
Plano Nacional das Artes
Festival A Porta
Somapil - Sociedade de Madeiras de Pinho, Lda.